Mossberg and sons is the manufacturer of your western field model M550ABD,shotgun.The Mossberg model 500 is the same shotgun.
Mossberg made that shotgun for Montgomery Ward's Western Field fun line. It was the Model 185 in Mossberg shotgun line.
Depends on which model/manufacturer.
thks what is the value of the western feild shotgun model sb100 what year it was made?
who makes the westernfield 12ga shotgun model m505a
montgomery ward
Western field 12 gauge single shot shotgun serial #82719 x G...age and value/
how much money is a westernfield model xnh569h
Mossberg and sons made your Western field model 15K.The Mossberg model 80,or the model 83 both apply to your model 15K shotgun.
From a knowledgeable gunsmith, the answer is "Stevens"