What is the value of iver johnson 6 shot top break revolver?
50 or so
value on astra cadix .22 9 shot
Does not exist. The R 101 series was made in the 1970-80's
The exact value of an HS 22 8 shot revolver from Germany is actually highly dependent upon a number of factors. Some of these factors include the age and condition of the revolver.
what is my 32 revolver woth
50-150 USD or so
20- 1000 depending on specifics
50-100 or so
The value of an 1896 Iver Johnson 22 caliber 7 shot revolver is dependent upon a number of factors. The condition of the revolver would need to be taken highly into consideration when determining the value.
5-150 usd
20-80 USD or so