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Value can range from less than 100 to more than 1000 USD

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Q: What is the value of a 303 British gun?
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i have a mk 2 303 british with the org. cleaning kit and would like to know the value my email is

Where can you find 303 British 303 ammo?

The ,303 Enfield British rifle cartridge is fairly popular, Most well supplied gun shops will carry this ammo, and with adequate proof of age, can be purchased from on-line suppliers.

What is the value of a 1945 british 303 rifle?

50-300 or so

What was the British fighter aircraft called?

The first true British fighter was the Sopwith Tabloid. It was a biplane with one .303 gun.

What guns did England use in the war 1?

The standard issue weapons were... Webley revolver in .455 Webley Short Magazine Lee Enfield No. 1 Mk III in 7.7x56R (.303 British) Enfield P'14 in 7.7x56R (.303 British) Vickers machine gun in 7.7x56R (.303 British)

What is the value of a Remington 1895 303 British rifle?

Value of ANY gun depends on exact make, model, and condition, In the case of newer guns, we can give you an approximate RANGE of values, but your rifle's value will depend heavily on condition. You might take it to a local gun show where collectors are gathered in one spot.

What is the value of a british 303 magazine loaded?

Approx $25 for the mag., and $10 for the cartridges

What is the Value of 1918 British lee enfield 303 mark 3?

125 USD

What is the Value of 1918 British lee- enfield 303-mark 3?

125 USD

What is the value of long branch 303 1942 british rifle?

50-150 or so

What is the approximate value of a British Enfield 303 1917 ser J8328?


What type of gun was a lee enfield?

Bolt action military rifle, most commonly in caliber .303 British.