Based on description 100-500
Impossible to answer without a detailed description of all features and markings.
You will have to call Browning with the sn to find out.
375-550 dollars, depending on overall condition of your shotgun.
If your browning 16ga shotgun is a auto-5 then it was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1927.
50-500 usd
Requires professional evaluation.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Browning auto-5 shotgun in 16 gauge was made in Belgium for Browning in the year 1926.
50-500 uSD
To determine the exact value of a Browning automatic 20 gauge shotgun made in Belgium, a couple factors would need to be taken into consideration. Some of these things are the age and condition of the shotgun.
What model of browning shotgun are we talking about? I would need to know this in order to help you answer this question.