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your 1967 Canadian cent. is valued at 595.00 dollars.

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Q: What is the value of a Canadian centennial Winchester 30 30 unfired and in excellent condition serial number 62424 made in US?
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What is the value of a Winchester Canadian Pacific Centennial rifle in perfect condition with a serial number of CPC954?

If unfired,the rifle is valued at 895 dollars in the condition that you describe.

Where is the serial number on a Winchester Canadian centennial?

on the back left

What is the value of the Winchester Canadian Centennial 1967 in the box never shot and with the gold Calgary stampede coin?

In the condition that you describe,your rifle will be valued at 650 dollars.

What is the value of a Winchester 3030 rifle Canadian Centennial 18671967 with box never fired?

In the condition that you have described,your rifle is valued at 895.00 dollars on today,s market.

What is a Winchester 30 30 Canadian Centennial 1867 1967 worth?

500 uSD

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What is a Canadian centennial flag worth?

The Canadian Centennial flag was produced in 1967 to celebrate Canada's 100th anniversary. The value of a Canadian Centennial flag can vary depending on its condition and rarity. Generally, a vintage Canadian Centennial flag in good condition can be worth anywhere from $20 to $100. It's recommended to consult with a collector or appraiser for an accurate valuation.

What is the Value of a Winchester Canadian Centennial 1867-1967?

Unfired, in the box, about $900. If it has been shot, it is now a shooter, not a collector's gun, and would be worth less, depending on condition.

How many Winchester model 94 30-30 Canadian centennial rifles were made?


What is the value of Winchester 30-30 Canadian centennial 1876 1976 rille?

100-500 USD

Do some of the Winchester Canadian Centennial Model 94 have an engraved stock with a maple leaf and scroll?

No. Some were branded, but, the exact number is unknown.

When was Canadian Centennial Medal created?

Canadian Centennial Medal was created on 1967-07-01.