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The Colt 1877 lightning with that serial number was manufactured in 1888,about 121 years ago.

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Q: When was colt lightning double action pistol serial no. 700xx manufactured?
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What is a double action pistol?

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What is model number and age of Smith and Wesson pistol with serial number of 209254?

I found it myself. It is a S&W model 1905 third change double action revolver. Manufactured between 1903 and 1917.

What is the difference between single and double action pistons?

single action pistol means that the hammer has to be cocked back in order to fire. double action means you merely have to pull the trigger back and the gun will fire. some double action guns can be fired single action or double action.

What is the correct description of a m9 pistol?

Air cooled, magazine fed, recoil operated, double action, semi automatic pistol.

Who made the Dickson Commander 38 pistol?

The Dickson Commander 38 pistol was manufactured by W. & C. Scott & Son, a British gunmaker. It was a double-barrel pocket pistol designed for self-defense.