

Best Answer

Parts to this old gun were sold in 1997 to a gunsmith. I can give you his name and number and he will be able to help you.

Jim Coplen 507-281-2314

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Q: Where can you get seal kit for a Ted Williams CO2 BB gun rifle semi auto model 799-90620 sold by Sears?
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Ted williams model 53?

Your Ted Williams/sears model 53 is actually a winchester model 70 rifle.

Did Winchester make ted Williams T3 22 cal gun for sears?

Yes they did. The Sears Ted Williams Model T3 was the exact same .22 caliber rifle as the Winchester Model 190.

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Ted Williams 22 cal rifle model 583.3403?

The Ted Williams 22 cal rifle model 34 583.3403 was made for Sears by Standard Manufacturing Company. It was discontinued in 1967-1968. It is valued at $125 in good condition.

How old is ted Williams model 100 30-30 serial?

The only help that I can give you is that your ted williams (Sears brand) model 100 rifle was made by winchester for sears up to 1978.In that year sears quit selling the ted williams brand name firearms.They quit selling all firearms in 1980.

Who made sears 22 rifle model 43?

Your rifle was made for Sears by Marlin.The Marlin model 81 and your rifle are one and the same.

Where can you buy firing pin for model 100 30-30 wichesterTed Williams Sears and Rebuck?

Your sears ted williams model 100 is actually a winchester model 1894 rifle that was made by winchester for sears.You can find a firing pin at numrich gun parts corp.They can be found on the web.

What is the make and model of a Sears Ted Williams Model 37 semi auto 22?

Sears had rifles made in .22 and .22L under the Ted Williams brand by Winchester (M94, M190) and Ithica (M49). -- But Only ONE of those is semiauto -- The marking on your rifle is actually '3T' not '37.' It is the Winchester Model 190 as made for Sears.

What year is your Ted Williams 30-06 looks like a winchester model 70 is this a worthwhile hunting rifle?

Your Sears model 53 rifle is indeed a Winchester model 70 rifle.These were fine made rifles that would be very good to hunt with!I am not sure what years winchester made these rifles for Sears though.

What year is my 273.532730 ted Williams model 73 30.06 springfield?

My best guess is sometime between 1962 (When Sears signed a contract with Ted Williams) and 1978 (Sears discontinued the Ted Williams markings that year), The rifle is a Winchester Model 70- excellent rifle, by the way. The 273 number is the model number. If there is no serial number on the frame, it was pre-1968 (serial numbers were not required by US law on rifles and shotguns until 1968)

Is a Ted Williams Model 53 rifle a Winchester model 70?

Yes, it is a Model 70, but specifically made for Sears. I believe it is an economy version with less frills, but wroks just like an M70.

Where can you find info on a Sears Model 45 30-30?

Your rifle was made for Sears by Marlin, and is a model 336C.