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It depends on several factors. First, do you mean .45 ACP? .45mm bullet is not a handgun bullet. If you do mean that, here is a basic answer. It depends on several factors: the particular cartridge specifications, where/what it hits, whether it hits a vital organ, whether it expands.

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Q: Which is more harmful 9mm or 45mm bullet?
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Does a380 bullet have the same stopping power of a 9mm bullet?

No, an A380 bullet is significantly larger and more powerful than a 9mm bullet. The A380 bullet is typically used in aircraft cannons and has much greater stopping power due to its higher velocity and larger size.

What is the difference between a 9mm bullet and a 45 cal bullet?

The main difference between a 9mm and a .45 caliber bullet is the diameter. A 9mm bullet has a diameter of 9 millimeters, while a .45 caliber bullet has a diameter of .45 inches. The .45 caliber bullet is larger and generally heavier than the 9mm bullet, resulting in differences in recoil, speed, and stopping power.

How much does a 9mm bullet cost?

A single 9mm bullet is about 3-6 cents. A 9mm Parabellum (Luger) CARTRIDGE is about .30-.55.

Is 9mm and 45cal same?

The 9mm means that the bore is 9mm inside diameter . The bullet will be roughly 9mm or a little more in diameter. The 45 means basically the same, the bore of the barrel is .45 caliber. but the bullet will be anywhere from .451 to .452 in diameter depending on manufacture and on type of metal the bullet is made out of. So basically yes.

Can you shoot 9mm rounds from a 380 pistol?

No it is dangerous to attempt a 9mm is a bigger bullet. More specifically, 9mm Luger is a longer cartridge that .380 ACP.

What is the size difference in bullet in the 9mm and 38 special?

There are SEVERAL 9mm cartridges- the most common is probably the 9mm Parabellum (9mm Luger). A 9mm Parabellum BULLET (not cartridge) is typically slightly smaller than a .38 Special bullet- .356 instead of .357. The 9mm is frequently (not always) lighter- and shorter. Other 9mm cartridges (such as the 9mm Makarov) will have different bullets.

Is a 9 MM luger bullet the same as 9 MM auto bullet?

Perhaps the most common 9mm CARTRIDGE is the 9mm Parabellum- commonly called the 9mm Luger. And it IS for an automatic pistol (and carbine and submachinegun). However, there are probably a dozen or more OTHER "9mm" cartridges- many fairly scarce- such as the 9mm Makarov, 9mm Browning Long, 9mm Kurz (the .380) etc. They are different and do not interchange.

Can 9mm or 9mm magnum bullet be used in a colt 45 revolver?


Can a 380 fire a 9mm bullet?

380 and 9mm ammunition IS NOT INTERCHANGEABLE.

Does 38 caliber equal 9mm?

Close, but no. A .38 Special fires a .357 inch diameter bullet, 9mm Parabellum fires a slightly smaller bullet, but with more force. The .38 is a rimmed revolver cartridge, and the 9mm is a rimless automatic pistol cartridge.

Can you shoot a 9mm bullet from a 380 caliber gun?

No, the bullet will not seat.

What size is the 9MM round?

The 9mm round in loaded with a bullet diameter of .356"in.