Honey, I may be sassy, but I'm not a mind reader. I can't just magically know the value of a specific gun without more details. Take that bad boy to a professional appraiser or do some research online to get a better idea. Good luck, cowboy!
The model number is 117
1958 model 70 Winchester 3006 good condition
Impossible to answer without a DETAILED description of ALL markings.
depends on what model it is as well as the age. need more details on the rifle.
3006 weeks = 3006 x 7 days = 21,042 days
You can try Numrich gun parts, ( e-gunparts.com )
$300-900 depending on condition, which grade, and which model Browning,
200 to a few thousand depending on EXATCLY what model it is.
1934-1935 They were on limited production.
There is no model number 3006 or 243 in the Woodmaster line. Check Remington's webiste under the Sportsman's Library.