In order to answer this question one might look into Filelce's frequently asked questions page. If the answer is not found there, one might look into forums to see if it can be resolved that way.
Fileice is an online file sharing network which requires surveys to be completed before a file can be downloaded. However, there are ways to bypass the surveys and download files without completing them. Here are some steps to follow for downloading files from Fileice without surveys: Find a file on Fileice that you want to download Look for a download button below the file Right click on the download button and select 'Inspect Element' Look for a 'href' link in the code Copy the link and paste it in a new tab The file should start downloading without any surveysKeep in mind that this technique may not work on all files, as some may be protected by surveys. However, it is worth a try if you want to avoid completing surveys.
You have to jailbreack
Unfotunately nowhere....
You can't.
u can't haha
I really hate to say it, but as of now, most FileIce Survey Bypassers, are simply replicas of one another. There are some alternatives though; Try the account from Youtube user : FileicePremiunm It has worked for some people. Although it doesn't work in Canada, so I have no clue what the password is. Though I consider it best to use such a utensil. Next: Look for FileIce Bypasser v15. It works on occasion but will sometimes alert FileIce of your IP, thus concluding your attempts. Its worked so far for me. Check for it on Youtube.
See. Welll... u can't