A wisp of smoke rose from the extinguished candle, disappearing into the night air.
Yes,of course!-Why not???
First you must attack the boss or any parts of the boss with a homing attack you will recieve the Boost Wisp now use this Wisp on the boss or any parts of the boss to recieve the Wisp to defeat that particular boss.
There is no violet wisp. However, there is a purple wisp that destroys everything and there is a pink wisp that lets you stick to walls
The exact page number may vary between editions.
Lisp rhymes with wisp
"Wisp" is a noun. An example would be, "a wisp of hair fell in front of my eyes."
The duration of Willo the Wisp is 300.0 seconds.
no it's also in wii game version and the purple wisp is called frenzy wisp
Wisp doesn't appear in AC:WW, sorry. :(
Will o' the Wisp - comics - was created in 1977.
If your talking about The elder scrolls 4 will-o-wisp have resistance to normal weapons so use a silver or daedric weapon. if I'm not right look it up on uespwiki :D