С Новым годом!
New Year - [Novyi God]
S novym godom
This is a trick question. There are two New Years in Russia. First, there is the normal Western, or Gregorian, calendar New Year on 1 Jan. Second, there is the "Old New Year", according to the Russian Orthodox Church, which goes by the Julian calendar, which was superceded by the Gregorian calendar in the West. That New Year is on Jan 14.
You say "Happy new year!", or just in shorter versions, "You too"
To say sweetheart in Russian you say dorogaya. To say I love you in Russian you would say, Ya lyublyu tebya.
No. The correct way to say it is Happy New Year!
Happy new year and the best wishes for you
Happy New Year
this how you say animal in Russian животное
How do you say "Dylan Smith" in Russian?
Джиттербаг is how you say jitterbug in Russian