CORRECTED: Montagne enneigee (with an accent acute over the next to last e) [mohn-tahn-yuh ahn-nay-zgay]
Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps, got its name from the French words "Mont Blanc," which translates to "White Mountain." The name comes from the snow and ice that cover the mountain's summit, giving it a white appearance. The mountain was first ascended in 1786 by Jacques Balmat and Michel-Gabriel Paccard.
A snow capped mountain is a mountain with snow on the top if it.
how to say"lets go to the mountain" in french
sculptures de neige
J'adore la neige.
planche à neige
mountain outfhu cheetahs
Bijou de montagne.
faire de la luge
Un bonhomme de neige
un canon à neige
pepe la pew!