wintery IS a word, and spelled W-I-N-T-E-R-Y
In wintery locations
cold and damp is wintery
Some words that rhyme with wintery:CenturyEntryGentryGregoryImageryImpurelyIndustryInertlyInfamyInfantryInfirmaryInjuryInverselyInwardlyLitanySensorySimile
Of course. Colorado is one of the more 'Wintery' States.
autum wintery in autum or winter about/around there
10000000 degrees celcius. The Wintery Ones
10000000 degrees celcius. The Wintery Ones
Anything with AWD. Bigger the better.
They are in Blizzard Mountain in front of the Wintery Shoppe on a few trees.
wintery, cold, white, and snowy
It generally ends in October when the threat of colder wintery weather begins.