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Q: How old was Joseph-Armand Bombardier when he invented the snowmobile?
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When was the snowmobile invented?

The real invention of the snomobile was made by Joseph Armand Bombardier. His first version was created when he was only 13 years old. from there it evolved into the B-7, the B-12 and the ski-doo.the snowmobile was invented in 1927Joseph-Armand Bombardier invented the first snowmobile in 1937. Bombardier is a Canadian inventor.

Who is JosephArmand Bombardier's wife?

Yes. Her name is Yvonne Labrecque. They also had 6 children named Yvon, Germain, Andre, Huguette, Claire & Jeanne. Yvon passed away in 1934 at two years old.

How old is Denise Bombardier?

Denise Bombardier is 70 years old (birthdate: January 18, 1941).

How old do you have to be to ride a snowmobile with out snowmobile safety?


How old was Joseph-armand bombardier when he died?

He was at the age of 56

How old do you have to be to drive a passenger on a snowmobile?

As long as your responsible and have a drivers license or a snowmobile license u can carry a passenger

How old do you have to be to do the snowmobile test?

12 years old in most states

How old do you have to be to ride a snowmobile?

All depends where you live

How old do you have to be to drive a snowmobile in Michigan?

ages 12 and up

How old do you have to be to get your snowmobile licenses?

Depends on the state you like in. Most states do not have a licenses for a snowmobile. 12 years old is consider by most to be old enough to drive in a supervised environment. Snowmobile safety classes are offered by some states as well most starting at the age of 12.It depends on what state you live in. At age 12 you can get classes.

How come my snowmobile is so slow?

Well I havn't seen your snowmobile, so I don't know it it's because it's old, broken, or whatever!?

How old do you have to be to ride a snowmobile in Massachusetts?

16 or 12 to 15 with parental suppervision