No, it is not an adjective. It is an adverb. Note the -ly at the end.
The adverb form of the verb and adjective warm is "warmly." It can be used literally or metaphorically to mean in a heartfelt or affectionate manner.
It can be, when it is used idiomatically, e.g turned down cold, cold sober. Otherwise it is an adjective and the adverb form is coldly.
You would use ''coldly'' describe how something was being done for example ''He closed the door on the annoying carol singers coldly'' as in he has a cold heart and he is acting meanly.
"coldly" as in" I don't even know you" she replied coldly
I Spy - 1965 So Coldly Sweet 2-1 was released on: USA: 14 September 1966
The word 'no' is a an adverb, an adjective, and a noun.Example functions:We have no more time. (adverb, modifies the adjective 'more')We have no homework today. (adjective, describes the noun 'homework')We have one no and three yeses. (noun, a word for a thing)
There are no specific adjective to be used for a fox, use the adjective(s) that appropriate for the context. Some examples are:grey foxred foxsilver foxquick foxstealthy foxindigenous foxhungry foxbeautiful fox
No offence, but he probably doesnt love you.
Example: He gave me a benevolent smile, but I only turned away coldly.
It means that you were "coldly" ignored or rebuffed, as though someone shut the door and left you outside in the cold weather.
Nothing, just be nice back. You can just ignore them coldly though, then they would know the friendship is over.