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Q: What clothes should you wear at Baffin island?
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you should wear muslim clothes or you can wear american clothes

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You should wear clothes appropriate for the occasion.

how much clothes should I wear in summer I am a muslim by the way?

20000000000000000000000000 clothes you should wear

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western clothes

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Casual outdoor clothes - but wear what you wish.

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clothes with fur

Should Sarah wear your clothes?

Definately not!! She Should buy her own clothes !

Im a girl going as a boy for Halloween what should you wear?

you should wear a boy wig, by boys clothes or wear your brothers clothes if they fit.

What should you wear to a captain ds interview?

You should wear nice clothes. Preferably church clothes. Good luck!

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Yes, people should most definitely wear clothes to school every day.

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you should deffiently wear sports wear to make it look like your experienced

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no. kids should wear clothes.