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An avalanche, usally known to be extremely dangerous.

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Q: What is a very large slide of snow usually called?
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What do you call a very large slide of snow?

i think it's GLacier...Or it could be you're thinking of an avalanche: it's what happens when a large mass of snow is dislodged from a mountain slope or peak and cascades downward with great speed and force.

What is a synonym for avalanche?

snow-slide, landslide, landslip, large amount, barrage, torrent, deluge, inundationsnow-slide, landslide, landslip, large amount, barrage, torrent, deluge, inundation

What is another name for a large bank of snow?

A large bank of snow is often referred to as a "snowdrift."

What is an avalange of snow called?

That term implies snow if it were not snow another term like mudslide rock slide etc would be used instead

What is the term used to describe a dangerous snow slide down a mountain slope?

It is called an avalanche

What type of pronoun is snow slide?

The word 'snow slide' is not a pronoun, it is a compound noun, a word for a thing.

What does santa sleigh need to slide?

What does Santa’s sleigh needs to slide

What is a lot of snow called?

A large amount of snow is typically called a snowstorm or a blizzard when there is heavy precipitation and strong winds, leading to significant accumulation.

Can you slide on snow with fun slides?

Yes you can fun slide on snow. You can go so much faster on snow!!! Only do it on the driveway if it has a layer of snow just about a half-inch high.

What is a large mass of ice and snow moving on land under its own weight?

A large mass of ice and snow moving on land under its own weight is called a glacier. Glaciers form over time as snow accumulates and compacts into ice, flowing slowly downhill due to gravity. They can reshape landscapes through processes like erosion and deposition.

What is a comparison for drifted snow?

a snowboard slide

What is a snow burst?

A snow burst is a localized and intense snowfall event that can deposit a large amount of snow in a short period of time. It is typically associated with strong winds and poor visibility, making travel hazardous.