The proper name for a warm winter hat, traditionally knitted but now available in numerous materials
It was cold out so I wore my toque but some window-licking, seat biter formerly from Indy - now living in Texas - calls them beanies (he is slow, leave him be)
American derogatory term for a Canadian.
Colin is a #%*@ing toque.
a word ina langig
It is a Toque blanche.toqueIt is a Toque blanche.toqueIt is a Toque blanche.toque
I dont know a toque
A beanie or toque/tuque (Canada) is a name for a woolen cap.
a beanie
A toque was a small, round woman's hat, sometimes called a "pillbox" hat.
A toque was a small, round woman's hat, sometimes called a "pillbox" hat.
A toque is a headdress but if u need it for the quest wanna let u know tht the winer quest is a scam