a sled
They tend to live in there sled packs that they pull the sled in
A toboggan is a kind of sled.
the reindeer makes Santa's sled move by pulling Santa's sled
A dog sled idiom is a sled that men go on to get pulled by huskies
A group of sled dogs is called a "Team" of sled dogs.
Well, if you want to use the sled you can play sled race at the mountain.
They use them to pull sled through the snow.
A sled is 'une luge' (fem.) in French. To sled is 'faire de la luge'.
If you're in the sled, you're a passenger and you have to sit down. The person operating the sled, so to speak, stands up on the sled's runners behind it.
There is a big difference between a power sled and a speed sled. The power speed sled is generally bigger, heavier, can accommodate more weight. It also has handles to assist in resistance training.