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Q: What is the opposite of blizzard?
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Which company has ZZ in its logo?

The company that has a logo containing two blue Z's is Blizzard. Blizzard is a gaming company that produces RPGs such as World of Warcraft, Diablo, and Starcraft.

What is a storm called?

a storm cloud is called a cumulonimbus.

Who called a blizzard a blizzard?

Everyone does

When was The Blizzard created?

The Blizzard was created in 1831.

How do you divide the word blizzard into syllables?

Blizzard is 'bliz·zard

What was Blizzard Entertainment's former name?

Blizzard North.

Branches of blizzard entertainment?

World of Warcraft is from Blizzard

How does a blizzard affect man?

A blizzard does not affect man.

How tall is Jon Blizzard?

Jon Blizzard is 6'.

Can a blizzard kill you?

Yes, a blizzard can kill tons.

What is the most dangerous blizzard or fire?

The Blizzard in 1888

What does blizzard make?

Blizzard (company) makes computer games. Blizzard (snowstorm) makes people get stuck in the snow.