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No one lives in igloos. They are temporary shelters that can be built for protection from extreme weather conditions in the arctic and antarctic regions. Building them takes considerable skill, and they can be large and comfortably warm .

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16y ago
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13y ago

they are called escimos and they live in Alaska but some people are the nativs and they live in them

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16y ago

These days - nowhere. Years ago, inuits/eskimos, other people in the far north would live in igloos.

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13y ago

Inuits also know as Eskimos live in igloos when traveling

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The Aboriginal peoples of the African country Kenya, live in igloos.

Who builds the igloos?

Inuit and Aleut people

Are igloos used just by Inuits?

igloos are not used just by inuits (or eskimos) they are used by many different people and tribes

How many igloos in the Antarctica?

Igloos can be built by people who find themselves in situations when they need shelter. These are temporary and built as needed.

Why are Canadians so amazing?

we live in igloos and ride on polar bears to school . that is why .

What are Alaska igloos?

they are mini size homes for Alaska's people

Can the Inuit Indians move their igloos?

No, igloos can not be moved.

Were igloos built in the Arctic?

No. Igloos were built in the tundra, not the Arctic.

How many igloos can you fit in an cheetahs belly?

the amount of igloos you can fit in a cheetahs belly is egualmenthe

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Who builds the igloos in the community?

The inuit men