Antarctica is the coldest continent in the World, with an average temperature of -36 degrees Celsius but it's increasing yearly due to effects of greenhouse gases
Antarctica is the coldest continent.
Antarctica is as large as USA and Mexico, combined, so 'coldest month' varies, depending on where you are on the continent. Generally, the coldest month is the month before the sun comes up, and again, this month varies, depending on how far you are on the continent beyond the Antarctic Circle. The coldest temperature recorded on the continent was recorded at Vostok Research Station (Russia) in July 1983. The measurements were −89.2 °C, −128.6 °F; 184.0 K. This is the coldest temperature recorded on Earth.
Antartica - Antarctica is the coldest of Earth's continents. The coldest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983.
Windchill in Antarctica is the same phenomenon as windchill anywhere on earth: the ambient temperature plus the wind speed, determine the windchill temperature. Antarctica is the windiest continent on earth, it is also the coldest continent on earth. With ambient temperatures colder than minus 100 degrees F, and wind speeds up to almost 200 MPH, depending on where you are on the continent, the windchill temperature is cold, very cold or very, very cold. Windchill in Antarctica can be lethal.
There is no country on the Antarctic continent, and yes, it is the coldest continent on earth.
The Earth's highest, coldest, and driest continent is Antarctica.
Sweden has the lowest temperature ever recorded on the continent at -53˚C (-63.4˚F).
antarticaThe Antarctic Continent is the coldest, and Vostok Station, which is located at "the pole of inaccessibility" (farthest point from any coast) is the coldest. They have had temperatures as pow as -89oC, and maybe a little lower.Its warmest temperature was about -12oC.There is an almost continuous wind from the Pole.The station is at an altitude of 3 488m a.s.l. (11 444 feet).On the bedrock below Vostok lies the world's largest sub-glacial lake.
Antarctica holds the record for the lowest recorded temperature on Earth. The lowest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at the Soviet Union's Vostok Station in Antarctica, with a temperature of -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius) in 1983.
That is Antarctica.
The coldest temperature was minus 28 degrees F.