ice is a bad conductor of heat. Any heat generated from inside the igloo, usually from body heat or a small fire, stays inside.
The inside temperature of igloos is higher than the outside temperature because the blocks of ice help to trap the occupant's body heat inside, preventing it from escaping. The design of the igloo also helps to minimize heat loss and maximize warmth. Additionally, the compact size creates a smaller space to heat, making it easier to maintain a higher temperature compared to the colder surroundings.
Eskimos stay in there igloos, their body heat warms u the air inside the igloos and the air inside becomes warmer than the air outside. Both air and ice are insulators and they reduce heat loss from inside the igloos to surrounding by conduction..
inside their is clean than outside.
The temperature inside the house is 31 degrees higher than the outside temperature.
If the house temperature inside is greater than the temperature outside the house, then yes. If the temperature outside the home is greater than the temperature inside of the home, then no.
Inside or outside?
The mood outside the abbey is quite happy but the mood inside the abbey is depression and sorrow
Inuit use convection currents inside igloos by positioning the entrance lower than the living area, allowing warm air to rise and cold air to sink. This creates a natural circulation of air that helps regulate the temperature inside the igloo, keeping it warm. Heat generated by occupants and cooking also contributes to maintaining a comfortable temperature.
As soon as regular outside temperature is similar to where you had the plants inside
There is no difference of the average local air pressure inside or outside of the headphone.