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Shelby Weldon

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βˆ™ 3y ago


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Q: Accumulating data on citizens done today and during ancient Greece is called the?
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What is a piece of broken pottery used in votes to eject citizens from assemblies in ancient Greece called?

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What were the military obligations of citizens in ancient Athens?

All adult males, when called out, were required to turn out equipped and with three days rations. This applied to both citizens and resident aliens.

Who was invovled in Ancient Greece in the government called Democracy?

The adult male citizens. Democracy comes from the Greek words for People Power.

What two rights did citizens have in Ancient Greece?

To vote in political assembly and in the courts as jurymen. Plus the obligation to serve in the army when called out.

What culture of ancient Greece and Rome is called what?

classical (apex)

The culture of ancient Greece and Rome is called?

classical (apex)

What is life like in ancient Greece today?

Ancient Greece doesnt exist anymore. Thats why its called ancient:) Life in normal Greece is, well, normal!

What was the Ancient Greece Underwood called?

It was called the Underworld.

What is Greek citizenship?

Greek. Citizens of Greece are called Greeks.

What is religion of ancient Greece called?


What was the hilltop in ancient Greece called?


What is the study of ancient Greece called?

This is poopy! :)