Henry Kissinger had internationally recognized executive security provided by Craig Goodwin Special Agent and Dale June both having provided security for multiple U.S. Presidents, foreign leaders and royalty, and many famous A list hollywood celebrities.
sphere of influence and extraterritorial rights
For two decades military dictators ruled Brazil. Emphasizing economic growth, the generals fostered foreign investment. They began huge development projects in the Amazon jungle. The economy then boomed.
There was no British foreign minister in 802.
In this sentence:"investment bankers especially J.Morgan, with privileged access to foreign as well as domestic capital,provided the capital necessary to reestablish the railroads on a sound footing."sound = firm, goodfooting = position, foundationon a sound footing means that something is in good shape.
Foreign aid is help such as economic or military assistance provided by one country to another.
Alliance for Progress
aid (such as economic or military assistance) provided to one nation by another.
They are or they could not exist on such a slim margin when billions of dollars are traded every day.
The U.S. does not give China aid. China actually aids the U.S. in the billions of dollars a year.
Foreign Economic Administration was created in 1943.
Tourism is one of the most important economic activities in Mexico, as it allows entry of billions in foreign currency while requiring a modest investment to do so.
Commission on Foreign Economic Policy was created in 1953.
Commission on Foreign Economic Policy ended in 1954.
The central bank of Japan frequently buys dollars to keep the dollar as strong as possible. The are economic and political reasons for this.
Lakhs and Crores to Millions and Billions