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The Vatican comes immediately to mind.

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Q: City states in the modern world?
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Is this statement correct The modern world is divided into a mixture of nation-states city-states and multi-national empires?


What are three modern city-states?

Three modern city-states are Singapore, Monaco, and Vatican City. They are sovereign entities that are independent and self-governing, with relatively small land areas compared to other countries.

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What city states are in modern Mesopotamia?

baghdad, mari, kuwait.

What modern country used to be a collection of city and states?


Which city-states created the world's first democracy?

Greek city-states

Would Greece count as a city-state?

Ancient Greece would be considered a large number of independent and semi-independent city-states, but Modern Greece is a nation-state, a republic. Modern city states include places like Vatican City, Monaco, Liechtenstein, or Nauru.

What are 3 modern city states?

Three modern city states are Monaco, Singapore, and Vatican City. Monaco is known for its luxury lifestyle and casinos, while Singapore is a global financial hub with a diverse cultural scene. Vatican City is the spiritual center of Catholicism and the residence of the Pope.

What states are in Vatican City?

There are no states in Vatican City. It is a country in its own right, the smallest in the world and it had no smaller parts like states.

What city has one of the seven modern wonders of the world?


How many sovereign city states in the world today?

To the best of my knowledge, there are three sovereign city states in the world today: Monaco, Singapore and the Vatican.

Which city in the modern world is built on water?

Venice is a modern world city that is built on the water. Venice is a city in Italy is made up of 118 islands and connected by bridges. The current mayor of Venice is Giorgio Orson.