There are a variety of major colonial powers. These include Britain, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, as well as Germany.
Because all of the European powers wanted to hold their own colonies, thus exploit them. However, sometimes their interests overlapped each other. An example of this would be between France and the US, as well as the Spanish and the British empires.
There were Self-Governing colonies, colonies with representative councils (controlled some of their own legislative issues), colonies with nominated councils (mostly governor-appointed councils), and colonies ruled directly by a governor. There were also Protectorates, mandates, and Dominions controlled by European nations in Africa.
Yes, the Gentry and Middle Classes had the most opportunity in Colonial times
The European powers were devastated by WW II and it took years to rebuild their economies and infrastructure (with the help of the US). They were in no condition to control a colonial empire. In addition, the European colonies had also been affected by the war and no longer believed the mythology about the superiority and advantages of European culture and civilization, which had brough the world to such disaster. WW II was very educational, and the colonies were not about to just go back to the way things used to be.
by inhibiting the development of banking and paper currency in the colonies
Keeping wages low and taxes to high
The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.
The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.
The Grand Council would limit colonies to certain powers.
Great Britain
It damaged the colonial powers' control over the area. In some cases, it started rebellions. Imperial powers were forced to come to terms with the fact that independence movements were starting and they wouldn't always have peaceful colonies.
They provided for colonial peoples' needs but did not give them full rights.
As colonies grew, colonial powers increasingly relied on slaves for hard labor.