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Describe the pattern of triangular trade that developed in the 1506?

the triangular trade was trade that started in Africa than the carribean islands then America some things that were trade were slaves gold ivory and raw materials and etc.

The pattern of overseas trade developed by New England merchants is known as the triangular trade?


How did the cod triangle develop?

when men from jersey decided to go to Newfoundland to trade with them from there they decided to go to Brazil, Spain, Italy and Guernsey. Then the cod triangle developed

Describe the broad pattern of international trade?

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This is the term used to describe the part of Triangle Trade in which slaves were shipped from Africa to the Western Hemisphere?

Middle Passage

What is the term used to describe the part of triangle trade in which slaves were shipped from Africa to western hemisphere?

Middle Passage

Describe the extent of trade developed?

Other important factors affecting transport costs are the extent of a country's trade. Geographical characteristics obviously explain the zero figures for trade.

Explain the path of the trade triangle?

Trade triangle is the historical term telling the trade among three ports or regions. The trade triangle usually evolves when a region has export commodities.

Why were certain trade route called the triangle trade routes?

Certain trade routes were called triangle trade routes because the route was shaped like a triangle. It was when three ports or regions would trade with each other.

Why were certain trade routes called triangle trade routes?

Certain trade routes were called triangle trade routes because the route was shaped like a triangle. It was when three ports or regions would trade with each other.

What time period is associated with the American triangle trade?

The American Triangle Trade was from 1450-1750.

What was the triangle was for the clivil war?

explain what the triangle trade was