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No. The revolution created a classless society (In theory at least).

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Q: Did the estates exist after the French Revolution?
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Who were the French nobles who fled the country during the French Revolution?

emigresWere called emigres.They became emigres and their French Estates were claimed by the state.The Emigres.

What role did the estates general play in triggering the french revolution?

The society was classified into 3 estates. 1st and 2nd estates were rich . 2nd estate people were loyal to King. the 3rd estate contained the poor like Merchants, cobbler's etc.,

What estates comprised the Estates-General?

The Estates-General (or States-General) of 1789 (French: Les États-Généraux de 1789) was the first meeting since 1614 of the French Estates-General, a general assembly consisting of representatives from all but the poorest segment of the French citizenry. The independence from the Crown which it displayed paved the way for the French Revolution.

What role did lawyers play in the french revolution?

Lawyers were wealthy members of the Bourgeoisie and were highly regarded during the French Revolution. Lawyers were members of the Third Estate, which had been abused by the other two Estates, paying the largest tax burden and receiving less benefits.

How did the meeting of the estates general contribute to the financial crisis?

In 1789, the meeting of the French 'Estates-General' contributed to France's financial crisis, not to overlook its more general socio-political crisis, by adding additional demands and placing additional pressures on the French monarchy -- again, financially and otherwise. Once Louis XVI regretted his calling of the Estates-General meeting to such an extent that he attempted to disband it, however, it was too late: the French Revolution had begun.

Related questions

Who benefited from the french revolution?

The 1st and 2nd estates

What was the 1st and 2nd estates feeling on the revolution?

The first and second estates detested the French revolution as it threatened to remove them from power and wealth.

What was the class system called in the French Revolution?

The Three Estates.

What caused the Revolution of 1830?

Cause of French RevolutionThe French Revolution was caused when King Louis XVI was taxing the Third Estates class but, not the frist or second estates class leaving them to get richer and richer.

Which event of the French Revolution first in May 1789?

The Estates General was called into session.

What was the French revolution for?

Some major causes of the French Revolution were incapable rulers, unbalanced Estates General, economic collapse, Enlightenment ideas, and wasteful royalty.

Did the french revolution get rid of the three estates?

i think The third estate is the common people, the largest group of people in France, difficult to get rid of them. On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate began the French Revolution. The formation of the National Constituent Assembly marked the end of the Estates-General, but not of the three estates.

Which group did not benefit from the FRENCH revolution?

The 1st and 2nd estates

Who were the French nobles who fled the country during the French Revolution?

emigresWere called emigres.They became emigres and their French Estates were claimed by the state.The Emigres.

What are the three estates in the French Revolution?

The three Estates were the First Estate which included the Catholic Clergy, the Second Estate which consisted of the French Nobles and the Third Estate which was the commoners who represented 95 to 97% of the population.

What is the estates general?

The Estates-General (or States-General) of 1789 (French: Les États-Généraux de 1789) was the first meeting since 1614 of the French Estates-General, a general assembly consisting of representatives from all but the poorest segment of the French citizenry. The independence from the Crown which it displayed paved the way for the French Revolution.

French estates proir to the revolution?

There were 3 estates: the third estate was the bourgeoisie. They represented 97% of all inhabitants of France. There other two estates (the first and second) were the nobility and the clergy (the representatives of the church).