they rebirthed art.
florance Italy
In Florence, Italy.
a lot of call of duty
The humanist of Northern Renaissance placed a greater emphasis on Christianity. They sought to best combine the ancient Greek and roman world.
they had fewer rights
The Medieval world tended to be Theocentric. The Renaissance world tended to be Anthropocentric.
The Renaissance was destroyed by the end of the medieval world and thus was born the religious revolution.
Tornadoes do not benefit the world. The bring destruction, death, and trauma.
It means rebirth or renewing, the scientific renaissance was a rethinking of how the world worked. the Renaissance artists were rethinking how art should look
they died.
the end of the renaissance comes to mind
Renaissance floral design gave the world the Christmas wreath.
they rebirthed art.
the world benefit him a lot because he found a new continent
World war two.
it made turtles fly