she change the world because she made people feel special by her music and others ways. She was a great girl and a beautiful girl after her death everbody felt sad but she made a change in the world.Her music touch people hearts.
how do people want to change the world?
Bill Gates change the world by making Microsoft office but more importantly, he change the world by advancing and improving software technology and made it easier for anyone to use it.
it like um changed the world
Rashad Haughton is Aaliyah's brother.
Aaliyah's full name is: Aaliyah Dana Haughton
Aaliyah's middle n ame is Dana.her whole name is Aaliyah Dana haughton
Aaliyah's birth name was Aaliyah Dana Haughton.She never got pregnant
Aaliyah Dana Haughton is Aaliyah's WHOLE name .
Aaliyah's WHOLE name was Aaliyah Dana Haughton.
Aaliyah Dana Haughton known as Aaliyah
Aaliyah's father passed away before Christmas in 2012. Fans found out by visiting Aaliyah's grave and seeing that now her father, Michael Haughton, is buried above her in their family crypt. May he and Aaliyah rest in peace.
Michael Haughton
1st place
No, they were good friends. Aaliyah's brother is Rashad Haughton.