The very first set of written laws in human history was the Code of Hammurabi.
History doesnt change because history is the past, and you can't change the past. Unless you find flaws or new information, I'd say that history can't be changed.
Code of Hammurabi was the first known written law.
im working on this patriot now. im trying to find info.
The Wallchart of World History was created in 1890.
It is the one of the first code in the world....
The very first set of written laws in human history was the Code of Hammurabi.
hammurabis code was the first first written code of laws in the history of the world.
Because it was the first set of codified laws known in history.
It is the example on how we have to codify laws since it is the first one known made in history.
The earliest known code of law was the Hammurabi code. It was the first laws codified together.
The Hammurabi code has a prologue 282 laws and the conclusion. It was carved into a black diorite stone. The code was the first codified work on laws in history. As of now, the code by Hammurabi is obsolete. Humanity has evolved through the centuries and more laws has been codified as technology grows.
the code of Hammurabi was based on old history
History does not repeat itself...
He established the first set of laws called "Hammurabi's code"
It changed the history of art. It did not change the world.