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Industrialization helped the spread of liberalism because of the new industrial middle class. These people were the ones acquiring wealth. They felt important and wanted representation. They said that workers could have the right to vote but only once they have become as educated and hardworking as the middle class

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Q: How did industrialization help the spread of liberalism?
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the social and economic changes from the industrial revolution contributed to the spread of liberalism because it gave the lower classes more clout (and thus more liberalism) within the society.

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How did the social and economic changes from the industrial revolution contribute to the spread of Liberism?

the social and economic changes from the industrial revolution contributed to the spread of liberalism because it gave the lower classes more clout (and thus more liberalism) within the society.

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They promoted the spread of industrialization by eliminating the need for transportation of goods by ship.

Was industrialization an important complement to liberalism in the 19th century?

Industrialization sybolized change and progress, which are major ideas of liberalism. However, the main reason was Karl Marx. To understand this, we must look at the Industrial Revolution. In the ID, factories sprouted up at an alarming rate. Workers there were treated unfairly and the government was not doing anything about it. However, Marx wanted a classless society and disagreed with factory conditions. As social workers and labor unions (liberal ideals) developed, so did the desire for a people's government, hence the growth of liberalism.

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the spread of industrialization around the world

What is the difference between liberalism and classical liberalism?

Classical liberalism emphasizes limited government intervention in individuals' lives and the economy, prioritizing individual freedom and private property rights. Modern liberalism, also known as progressivism, supports government intervention to address social and economic inequalities, promoting social welfare programs and regulations to protect workers and consumers.

How did industrialization spread through out the US?

Uhh, I've never done anything on industrialization throughout the US, but my guess would be it spread out with the exploitation of coal, iron, and steal, which was mined throughout the US, therefore creating the spreading effect...

What is one reason that industrialization spread in northeast?

more capital was available to build factories

What is meant by proto-industiralisation?

Proto-industrialization is a phase in the modern industrial economics that paved way to proper industrialization. The period was characterized by the spread of domestic manufacturing that linked people to international markets.

When was The End of Liberalism created?

The End of Liberalism was created in 1979.

What is the ISBN of Political Liberalism?

The ISBN of Political Liberalism is 0231130899.