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Q: How did slave owners react to revolts?
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How did the South react to slave revolts?

they fight for it and got what did needing.

How did southerns react to slave revolts?

They passed more stricter laws.

What did plantation owners hope to prevent by placing whites in positions of authority?

Slave revolts

What was one way plantation owners tried to prevent slave revolts?

Having white servants as well as slaves

Why were slave revolts in the south uncommon?


Why were slave revolts so dangerous for slaves who rebelled?

Slave revolts were dangerous for slaves because they faced severe consequences if they were caught, including torture, execution, or severe punishment. Additionally, their actions could result in retaliation from their owners, leading to increased surveillance and harsher treatment of all slaves.

How did people in the south react when their slaves rioted?

Slave owners treated slaves more harshly .

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What caused many government in the to pass slave code?

A rising fear of slave revolts

What caused governments in the south to pass slave codes?

A rising fear of slave revolts

Why did slave codes become more strict?

Slave codes became more strict because slave owners wanted to maintain control over enslaved people and prevent uprisings or revolts. Tightening restrictions and implementing harsh punishments were seen as necessary to ensure the stability and profitability of the slave system.

What did the Haitian rebellion prompt in 1790?

An increased fear of slave revolts.