led to invention of candles
Guglielmo Marconi's invention changed the world because people could communicate without wires across the seas and other places
I dont know and i dont care - Dave Cela Was here
The light bulb changed the world because people did not have to go around with a candle in differantplaces.
because....... um it helps us get any where we want... and i mean any where.... nowi have to get back to work f ing my girl
the invention the could change the world would be the teleporter
The purpose of the pencil invention is to write down letters to form words.
pencil and paper
not my world urs
it changed in 1798
led to invention of candles
i dont know that is what google is for
it didn't
he was one of the greatest scientist in the world
Bubble gum did not change the world. It was just an invention of a type of gum that was not as sticky as other gum.
The invention of the pencil occurred first, dating back to the 16th century. The precursor to the modern pen, the quill pen, has been around for centuries before the development of the pencil.
1828, Google says