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Q: How do leaders help change people for the better?
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Continue Learning about World History

How did Sojourner Truth help change the world?

she fought in slavery and told people that not only men have musceles because she did

How did eyeglasses change the world?

it changed the world by helping people improve/help their eyesight, so they can see better. also, because of how many people use them & how popular they are today. they have grown into a giant thing. Katherine Blodgett made the eyeglasses that we use today; it is more modern than others. The eyeglasses she made were non-reflective! So, it didn't glare. Which was a good thing. And, plus, without them, half of the people on this Earth wouldn't see as clearly as other people. :)

How does periodization help historian better understand the past?

Historians look for causes and effects that help to explain how and why events happened. They try to see the past through the eyes of the people who lived it. When they study the past, historians ask themselves questions. The answers to the questions help historians draw conclusions about the past.

Did Caroline Chisholm help people?

Caroline Chisholm helped young single immigrant women on arrival in Sydney during the mid to late 19th century. When her work was officially recognised through the Sydney press, she was given the use of a government building to establish "The Female Emigrants Home".

What does the phrase some leaders make history others are made by history and still others are run over by history mean?

Well, to me it sounds like, some people aspire to do great things to make history and achieve, and some people they can't really help it but something that makes history just happens to them, and some people just don't make history. hope my answer helps (it was kind of a guess ;)

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How do leaders in Seattle Washington help make the place better?

The capital of Washington is Olympia, not Seattle

What are the duties of leaders in?

help others and walth over the people and the land

How is religion an important agent for bringing real change in society?

Culture doesn't change until people's way of thinking changes. Goodness from God by way of the Holy Spirit (Spirit of God) changes people's mindsets and can help society become a better place as more people care what God thinks, and then change their behavior for the better.

How did the religious leaders help the people?

they acted as mediators, layers,judges, even executioners.

How do business leads help people?

Business leaders, when doing the job properly, should be providing direction, motivation, and guidance to employees. Business leaders should be able to identify opportunities for growth in order to help people reach their potential which will help their development as well as the business.

How is a course in organizational behavior going to make be a better manager?

If you have an understanding of how people and organizations work it will help you as an manager. A good example of this is that every time a new member joins a company or team the social structure of the group has to change because there is a new person added to the structure. By understanding this as a manager you can help the new person adjust and help the people around them to adjust to the social change in the group oveall structure. This will help you do your job better.

The chief goal of human relation is to?

help people relate better with one another.

Can god help you be a better hubbiedadman?

yes god always help for good work and hard working people for better yes god always help for good work and hard working people for better

How did the great schism help lead the Protestant reformation?

It weakened people's faith in Catholic leaders

How did the Great Schism help lead to the Protestant Reformation?

It weakened people's faith in Catholic leaders

What did doctor do?

They help people feel better!

What does reformation mean?
