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There is no such class. But there is Dwarf Warrior 'Armor'. A war only item never to return again.....sadly.

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Q: How do you get dwarfhold class in aqworlds?
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How do you get dwarfhold class in aq worlds?

To obtain the Dwarfhold class in AQ Worlds, you need to complete the "Dwarfhold Keep" questline. You can find the questline in the /join dwarfhold map. Follow the quest instructions and complete all the required objectives to earn the Dwarfhold class as a reward.

How do you get into the dwarfhold in AQWorlds?

Do Geopetal's quests and she will eventually give you a key to get into Upper Dwarfhold.

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Yes at the Uppercity in Dwarfhold.

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You find it in dwarfhold click your map in the side it says dwarfhold

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you get it at dwarfhold from the drow soldier

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Uppercity, but you have to finish the dwarfhold quest chain

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Vultragons can be found in the Mountain Path (/join mountainpath) in the Dwarfhold region, which can be accessed from pinewood forest or dwarfhold keep.

Aqworlds how to get into dwarfhold?

do all the snowbeard quests (dosent work on my account)

Where do you get dwarfhold class on aqw?

thers no such class

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The fourth Lord of chaos is Dragon Lord Vath in Dwarfhold.

How do you get pirate class in AQWorlds?

Go to the Dwarfhold Mountains, then from the map there, go the lower lefthand corner to Lolosia. Complete the quest that the first questgiver there gives you; Map Recovery. The Map Fragments can drop from any Fishman related thing there, in my experience. Hope this helped!

Where do you get the paladin class in AQWorlds?

You get Paladin class in AQWorlds from Artix in Swordhaven (he is found in the inn).