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If they have never taken out a loan, credit card, or anything else, there is no credit history. You should start building credit while in college - small credit cards and student loans are good ways.

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Q: How is it possible a consumer might not have a credit history?
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How many points does an eviction take off of your credit report?

Credit scores are based upon the overall credit history of the consumer. Therefore it is not possible to calculate exactly how many points might be deducted for a specific reason. Needless to say all negative reporting is harmful to a person's credit, some do, however, have a larger and lengthy impact.

How can a consumer credit management program help you?

There are many ways that a consumer credit management program might help someone. A computer credit management program might help someone by allowing them to organize their finances.

How might consumer credit laws contribute to the empowerment of individuals?

Seller and lender abuses are reduced under consumer credit laws, which could empower individuals.

Where might one with a bad credit history look for a mortgage?

One might get a mortgage when having a bad credit history through subprime mortgage lending, which means making loans to people with a bad credit history. Companies who offer subprime lending include: Amigo Loans, Piggy Bank and UK Credit.

How can someone with no credit history build their credit?

To build a credit history from having none is a difficult prospect but any website that offers you a pay in 90 days or similar offer establishes a credit history. Alternatively the bank you have your savings account at might offer you a lower maximum borrow limit credit card which you can then use to establish a credit history.

If you have no credit history do you have a credit score?

No, it is impossible to have a credit score without any credit history. But you should check to make sure. You might find lines of credit reported in your name that don't belong to you which is a potential indication of identity theft.

What should you do if you had a credit card that was a write-off and the company won't give you a copy of your payment history?

I believe the reference might be to a charge off. And yes, a collector must inform the consumer of the amount of the debt and the creditor that is owed.

Is it possible to get a real estate loan if you have bad credit?

Yes it is possible to get a real estate loan if you have bad credit. You might run into a few troubles and might get a few rejections but someone will eventually give you a loan.

Why might a rental car company refuse to rent to someone?

bad credit, no credit card, age, no license, history of accidents

What might happen if your credit card number and credit history fell into the wrong hands?

It could be used for identiy theft for one. Or to apply for another credit card, then run up charages in that person's name. A lot of damage can be done when personal infomation, such as card numbers, SS #, etc. fall into the "wrong hands." And as statistics prove, it camn and does wreak havoc with a consumer's life as well as credit.

Where can I find a free credit history score?

You can find a free credit history score on websites that will help you do it. When I watch TV, I always see the commercial of .They might be able to help.

What danger signals might indicate that a consumer is becoming overextended?

When a consumer takes on two or more new credit cards; or when he/she may be able to make minimum payments, but his/her overall debt load increases.