Mali's empire helped songhai controll trade routes and it made songhai richer
I think it was the Songhai empire in Africa.
The Songhai (also Songhay) Empire fell in 1612. The empire was defeated by the Moroccans in 1519 and then fell into anarchy and the empire came to a sudden close in 1612.
The Songhai (also Songhay) Empire fell in 1612. The empire was defeated by the Moroccans in 1519 and then fell into anarchy and the empire came to a sudden close in 1612.
the susu's
The Songhai Empire lasted from around 1340 to 1591.
Songhai Empire
The Songhai empire did not last until 1964. Its collapse was in approximately 1591.
Songhai empire
Songhai Empire ended in 1591.
The languages of the Songhai Empire in Africa included:SonghaiMalinkéMandinkaFulaniBozoSoninkeHausaMooré
when did the empire songhai begin
Mali's empire helped songhai controll trade routes and it made songhai richer
It was in West Africa.
The Songhai Empire was in West Africa.
Songhai empire is in west africa
Gao was the capital of the Songhai Empire.