After Boudicca's husband, the king of the Iceni tribe died, he left part of his kingdom to the Romans, and the other part to his two daughters. The Romans, however, wanted all the territory and invaded, taxing the people, and taking some as slaves. Boudicca spoke out against the Roman injustices, and in retaliation and to silence her, the Romans publicly flogged her and raped her two daughters. Boudicca then gathered together many of the other Briton tribes, and lead a rebellion against Rome.
Her land was left to the Romans and her daughters after her husband died, the Will wasnt honoured and the land was taken by the Romans, boudicca was flogged and her daughters brutally raped. Reason enough I think to dislike the Romans.
There are very few historical documents dealing with her daughters, but their names are believed to have possibly been Voada and Voadicea.
Yes, she had two daughters called Heanua and Lannosea. Little is known about them other than that they were raped by rogue Roman troops following the death of Boudicca's husband Prasutagus, who had been King of the powerful Iceni tribe and who had tried to ensure good relations with the Romans by making the then Roman Emperor, Nero, co-heir in his will. The Roman Governor of Britain, Gaius Paulinus, ignored this gesture and took advantage of Prasutagus's death to try and conquer the Iceni, imprisoning Boudicca, having her daughters sexually violated, killing or torturing many of the Iceni people, and siezing their land and assets. Both daughters took part in their mother's revolt against Roman rule, but committed suicide alongside her by drinking poison after the rebellion had been crushed.
Boudicca was never captured, only imprisoned for a while by the treacherous Roman Governor of Britain Gaius Paulinus, following the death of Boudicca's husband King Prasutagus, ruler of the powerful Iceni tribe. Prasutagus had worked hard to build up good relations with the Roman occupiers, and sought to continue this goodwill by making the Roman Emperor Nero co-heir to his kingdom following his death. But Gaius Paulinus refused to honour the arrangement, imprisoning Boudicca, having her two daughters raped by rogue Roman troops, and siezing all the Iceni's land and assets. It was this that sparked the Boudiccan Revolt of 60 AD. Following the crushing of her rebellion the following year, both Boudicca and her daughters committed suicide by drinking poison rather than suffer the humiliation of being arrested and executed by the Roman authorities. Their burial place is unknown.
As with so many things about Boudicca, we don't know the names of her daughters nor do we know their fate.
Queen boudicca went to fight the Romans because they raped her and her daughters.
king prasusgus and two daughters
Her rebellion was unsuccessful and her daughters had been assaulted.
No they were taken to a neighbouring tribe
Boudicca's daughters were called Isana and Kerina.
It is not certain even to what Boudicca's name was for certain in her own country the Roman historian Tacitus named her as Boudicca other variations exist. The names of her daughters are uncertain, her husband was Prasutagus of the Iceni.
Boudicca had a great victory over thr Romans, but was eventually beaten by the Romans, and committed suicide, along with her young daughters, who had been violated.
Queen Boudicca did not invade the Romans. She revolted against them because they mistreated her and her people, including raping her daughters.
We don't know. Their names have been lost to history.
Boudica despised the Romans, actually. They flogged her and raped her daughters.
After Boudicca's husband, the king of the Iceni tribe died, he left part of his kingdom to the Romans, and the other part to his two daughters. The Romans, however, wanted all the territory and invaded, taxing the people, and taking some as slaves. Boudicca spoke out against the Roman injustices, and in retaliation and to silence her, the Romans publicly flogged her and raped her two daughters. Boudicca then gathered together many of the other Briton tribes, and lead a rebellion against Rome.