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Q: How many developed countries in the world?
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At present how many developed countries are there in the world what are they?

There are typically around 40-50 countries considered developed, based on economic indicators such as GDP per capita, HDI, and infrastructure. Some commonly recognized developed countries include the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

How many houses have dishwashers in the world?

about 25% of houses in the world. mostly developed countries have dishwashers, such as Canada and the US.

How many developed countries are there in the world?

There are approximately 38 developed countries in the world, as determined by criteria such as high income, advanced infrastructure, and high standard of living. These countries include the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, and Australia, among others.

What other term is used for developing country?

Developing countries are also known as third world countries. These countries are less industrialized than developed countries. Many countries in Africa and southern Asia are third world countries.

Do most Americans focus frequnelty on the less developed countries of the world?

Most Americans focus INFREQUENTLY on the less developed countries of the world.

What are the name of developed countries of world?


Why does a more developed country has no poverty?

Every Country, no matter how developed has poverty, poverty is a world wide issue, not just in less developed countries. its just that the poverty in less developed countries is talked about more than the poverty in more developed countries.

Is Sudan a third world country?

Yes, Sierra Leone is a third world country. Jawaharlal Nehru created the system of first, second, and third world countries and organized them in this manner: First world countries included Western, developed countries. Second world countries included the allies of the Soviet Union. Third world countries were neutral. The problem with this organization was that developed countries could be classified as second or third world based on their political alliance, not on their development level, and vice versa. The more correct answer would be to call Sierra Leone a less economically developed country. This emphasizes a known standard and also serves as an euphemism.

3 developed countries in the world?

The United States of AmericaJapanSweden

What terms are used for least developed countries?

Third world

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