the queen of France: Marie Antoinettethe king of France: King Louis XVIa 27 year old boy: Jacques Feschthe last person: Eugene WeidmannMany serial killers such as: Jean Baptiste Tropmann, Marcel Petiot, Henry Desire Landruwas a person who was executed after sending many to the guillotine: Maximilian de Robespierre
Main reasons: * CGS and CPS against Robespierre * Robespierre lost support of Sans-Culottes by executing main leaders, disbanding armless revolutionaries. * Prior supporters turned against Terror - Danton * Growing extremism, even though war improved
The Committee of Public Safety came under the control of Maximilien Robespierre, a lawyer, and the Jacobins unleashed the Reign of Terror (1793-1794). According to archival records, at least 16,594 people died under the guillotine or otherwise after accusations of counter-revolutionary activities. A number of historians note that as many as 40,000 accused prisoners may have been summarily executed without trial or died awaiting trial. The slightest hint of counter-revolutionary thoughts or activities (or, as in the case of Jacques Hébert, revolutionary zeal exceeding that of those in power) could place one under suspicion, and trials did not always proceed according to contemporary standards of due process
how many months was it between the guillotining of louis XVI and the guillotining of robespierre
Robespiere is the leader of a radical revolutionaries, the Jacobins. Robespierre used terror to rule France. It is called the Reign of Terror(1793-1794). They arrested and executed many people who were suspected of being against the revolution.
Robespierre (the leader of the Jacobins) was the last to be executed, ending the Reign of terror. He was faced upwards in the guillotine, because that was thought to be fair punishment for him since he had sent so many others to the guillotine.
maximilien robespierre had taken control of parliament
Maximilien de Robespierre could be seen as the leader of the French Revolution. He is especially infamous for instituting the Reign of Terror, during which about 40,000 people were killed within 15 months.
Maximilien Robespierre was a major figure in the French Revolution in 1789. He was among others in this revolt who put to death many people who did not deserve to die. Eventually there was discord among the rebels he was executed in 1794. 80 of his closest allies also were executed.
many people may say that he was either the hero of the revolution or a murderous tyrant of the revolution. I believe he was a murderous tyrant, he tried to justify the mass killings if the terror as being necessary to save the revolution. He was a villian.
Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de Robespierre was executed on the 28th July, 1794 in the Place de la Revolution, Paris along with Louis Saint-Just and Georges Couston as well as nineteen others. The crowd cried "Down with the tyrant!" as he was about to be executed. It is belived Robespierre is the only person to have been executed by the guillotine face up so he could see the blade approaching.
the queen of France: Marie Antoinettethe king of France: King Louis XVIa 27 year old boy: Jacques Feschthe last person: Eugene WeidmannMany serial killers such as: Jean Baptiste Tropmann, Marcel Petiot, Henry Desire Landruwas a person who was executed after sending many to the guillotine: Maximilian de Robespierre
It is because Robespierre executed many people who were suspected of being against the revolution.
The Reign of Terror was a period of factional and ideological violence during the French Revolution. It lasted from September, 1793 to July 1794 and is named for the many executions of those denounced as "enemies of the state", mainly in Paris but also in other areas of France. Most were guillotined (beheaded), as were King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, earlier in 1793.The Reign occurred under the rule of the radical proletarian Jacobin group called the Committee for Public Safety (Comité de salut public), whose elected leaders included Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Saint-Just, and Georges Danton. The group gained control over a large part of French government and sought to consolidate their power by eliminating those who opposed their policies. The political purges and persecutions during the Reign included Danton, who was supposedly too lenient. Public opinion swayed against the Committee members and both Robespierre and Saint-Just were themselves condemned and is the term given to the time in the french revolution when all the nobles were put to death by the guillotine 1000s of them put to death.In france, basically Robespierre ordered thousands of peasants to be beheaded by gullotine. The Reign of terror ended with Robespierre's death by guillotine.The period during the French Revolution in which Robespierre's subjects sent over 17,000 people to the guillotine to be executed.Answer: was led by Maximilien Robespierre
There is no historical document of the number of people