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No because the history would be different and it would look different. - not the question

the question was what would Canada look like, not the history. it needs a description.
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Q: If the fur traders had not explored the Canada West what might the country of Canada look like?
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What might have happened after he identified the new land he explored?

He named it.

Are there parts in the world that have not been explored by humans?

Yes but satellites send pictures of all of the earth so they might not of been explored but they have been discovered

Why would a sponsoring country and ruler support explorers who were not from their country?

They might sponsor an explorer for several reasons - and usually did so for a combination of several of these reasons:Even if the explorer was not from their country, they could still make claims on discoveries as an agent for the sponsorThe explorer might possess unique or superior characteristics, skills, and/or knowledge not found among the citizens of the sponsoring countryThe exploration might give the sponsoring country an advantage of being the first to establish a trade route to the explored regionThe exploration might provide a source of valuable resources - or plunder - to the sponsoring countryThe sponsoring country might accrue increased reputation by being the sponsor of an exploration that made some significant discoveryThe sponsoring country might believe they would accrue some spiritual credit with a higher power by using the exploration to spread their religion

Will the NDP ever win an election in Canada?

they might

Did Canada continue to change after confederation how?

At confederation there were four provinces. As time progressed more provinces and territorities became parts of Canada, some territorities became provinces and part of Canada was annexed by the United States. For more details you might consider reading the wikipedia article about Canada.

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Which country visit the space first?

i think Canada but it might be Russia. im 80% sure its Canada, although they did not visit the moon.

If you have an assault charge on you in Alberta Canada can you still go to Saskatchewan Canada for a visit with family?

You can travel anywhere within the country. If you are trying to come into canada, you might have trouble.

Why do refugees come to Canada?

Refugees come to Canada because they either have war or their country is in danger. Also they might come to Canada because their country doesn't have rights that they think they should have. They also come to Canada because they want to have freedom.

Why might Quebec separate and become its own country?

It has a different language than the rest of canada

Why would Canada import or export?

Because if Canada imports and exports then we will be a better country. i might say its because if Canada imports and exports, then THEY will be a better country. I'm sure it affects the United States in a good way too, but to answer your question, i believe that they import and export to better their OWN country

I'm about to take a job driving trucks which might entail me travelling to Canada I have a felony record and was wondering if Canada allows felons with legal passports to enter their country?

If you have a legal passport that allows you to enter their country

What might have happened after he identified the new land he explored?

He named it.

What country includes this address 75 degrees north and 120 degrees west?

I think it might be canada but no shure

How might traders from rome have reached Alexandria?

They traded my boat and chariot

What cities might Silk Road traders might visit to gain access to the Mediterranean Sea?

Who careslouyang

Are there parts in the world that have not been explored by humans?

Yes but satellites send pictures of all of the earth so they might not of been explored but they have been discovered

How much of Canada borders what?

8,891 km of Canada's border is with the United States. The United States is the ONLY country that Canada borders, so I guess the answer might be all of Canada borders the US, but a lot of Canada is a very very very long way away from the US.