The Roswell UFO fell in New Mexico
The military project to develop the US atomic bomb was the Manhattan Project. It included the first successful fission chain reaction in December, 1942, and culminated in the first atomic test explosion at Alamagordo, NM on July 16, 1945. Two bombs built under the project were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The mission on Hiroshima began at 8:16 a.m. on August 6, 1945. The time of actual destruction and impact was 10:34 am according to a clock in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum on display. This antique wind-up pendulum 31-day clock survived the blast half intact.
In 1965.Doctor Julius Robert Oppenheimer, professor of physics at U.C. Berkeley and scientific director of the 'Manhattan Project', said in a television interview in 1965 (about 20 years after the first atomic bomb test explosion on July 16, 1945, called "Trinity") that the explosion reminded him of a verse in the Hindu scripture Bhagavad-Gita, which he quoted as:"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
16 years after the Mayflower landed, the Puritans came and took over the land. The pilgrims did not like this!
July 16, 1945 was a Monday. This was the date of the Trinity Test (atomic bomb) in Los Alamos, New Mexico.
July 16, 1945 just before dawn
July 16, 1945 It was originally scheduled for July 4, 1945 but was delayed by several days of bad weather.
July 16, 1945 just before dawn
Feb 16 1945 was a Friday.
Trinity test happened on the morning of July 16, 1945 just before dawn.
July 16, 1945
August 16, 1945 fell on a Thursday.
US, July 16, 1945, Trinity site, NM, in what is now White Sands Missile Range
July 16, 1945
July 16 1958 was a Wednesday.
Trinity, July 16, 1945