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This is just off the top of my head so no promises, but I think they were as follows.

-Industrialization in the west
-Separation of Church and State
-Balance of power (no more monarchy)

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Q: Lasting reforms of the French Revolution?
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What were two important reforms during the french revolution?

Two important reforms of the French revolution were, the abolition of the hereditary aristocracy, and the introduction of the metric system.

What best describes a difference between the French and American revolutions?

The American Revolution created a lasting form of liberal government, while the French Revolution did not.

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Each had their own significance. On a world terms the French revolution had a greater impact.

What is the difference between the french and American revolutions?

The American revolution created a lasting form of liberal government, while the French Revolution did not.

Which of the followings describes a difference between the french revolution and the American revolution?

Answer this question… The French Revolution eventually led to the rise of a powerful dictator, while the American Revolution created a lasting republic.

Did the French Revolution produce a lasting constitution like the one created in the US?

Alas, no. The French are currently on their 23rd constitution. The Revolution itself produced a return to monarchy within 30 years.

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There were two reforms that occurred as a result of the Mexican revolution. These reforms were economical and political reconstruction of central authority.

Unlike the french revolution what did the american revolution produce?

The American Revolution produced an entirely new country. The French Revolution only added new things to the way Parliament could interact with the people.

Did the French Revolution have a lasting constitution?

No the Constitution required numerous modifications.

In what ways did Napoleon both fulfill and destroy the ideals of the French Revolution?

He ended the Revolution and a pure Democracy in favor a dictatorship cloaked in the buzz words like Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. He retained the French Tricilor and most of the reforms that he had introduced.

How the caste system contributed to the French Revolution?

The Catholic clergy and the nobles which were only a small percentage of the total French population voted together thus defeating any reforms by the people.

Why did English liberals and radicals become disillusioned with the French Revolution?

The violence of the Reign of Terror disillusioned many of the English and Amerian supporters of the French Revolution. While they supported increased democracy and pro-citizen reforms, they could not condone the massive scale of butchery that ocurred in the French streets.