The poorest countries in the world list includes some countries from Africa. The continent has its own top 10 list of poor countries too and the second on the list is Liberia.
Most Middle Eastern countries are autocracies. A shorter list would be those countries that are not autocratic: Turkey, Israel, and Cyprus.
The Axis powers were the countries which fought the Allies in World War II For a list, see the link below
I just answered this question. Go to the question linked below for my answer so I don't have to type the entire list again. Thanks.
There were hundreds of millions of people involved in WW2. This website is not big enough to list all of them.
Try google. Its foolproof.
GermanyItalyJapanSoviet UnionBritainFranceUnited StatesPolandChinaThat is a list of nine countries that were involved with the onset of the Second World War.
austrailia, new zealand, gallipoly, usa, britain, the soviet union
You can find a list of countries based on size on the World Atlas website. They have a section dedicated to countries ranked by land area from largest to smallest.
You can find a list of the OFAC countries online. There is a list of those that have applied and been approved listed on the OFAC website.
There are 28 countries in the world Bosnians can go without visas. Go to for the list of those countries.
There are 28 countries in the world Bosnians can go without visas. Go to for the list of those countries.
There are only three countries on the list of countries that do not belong to the UN. Those three countries are Kosovo, Vatican City, and Taiwan.
It was occupied by Germany on 15 March 1939.
See website: Korean War (there is a list)
There were 23 countries involved in WW1 and there is a list with all of the casulties on the web link.