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Q: Quelle est la plus grande ville du Canada?
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How many states were added currentl?

52, all fifty plus Mexico and Canada.

Why did more people move to Canada after World War 2?

Because WW 2 had left many European countries in various states of destruction. On top of that, the early post-War years were bleak for other reasons as well: many personal items such as clothing and even food were rationed or could not be had, and wages were kept low in order to help finance the cost of reconstruction. Canada on the other hand was peaceful, prosperous, "Western" in culture and population and it advertized its need for qualified labor in many fields. Farmers could get plots of land that were ten times as big as the usually small farms in Europe, plus Government support in Canada to set up farm buidings, equipment etcetera. Many people therefore fled the destruction, shortages and low wages of their own countries to make a new start in Canada. Many European governments, struggling to find the means to feed millions of mouths , actively encouraged and often funded emigration to Canada (and Austalia and New Zealand).

How did Canada become an independent country?

It happened gradually over time. In 1867 Canada did officially become a country but under the British Crown it still had colonial status. Different Prime Ministers did small things here and there to further Canada's independence, for example when Sir Wilfrid Laurier (PM from 1896-1911 I think) created his own Navy for Canada instead of sharing Great Britain's. The two biggest strides though were probably first of all when Borden insisted that Canada have its own seat for the signing of the Treaty of Versailles (right after the world war one), which meant for the first time that Canada's international affairs were separate from Great Britain's, and of course when Trudeau brought the constitution home in 1982 which officially allowed Canada to make amendments to its own constitution instead of having to ask Great Britain to amend it for us, and was also the last step in becoming a completely independent nation.

What areas of land does Rupert's land cover?

Rupert's Land no longer exists. The Hudson's Bay Company was incorporated by Royal Charter on May 2, 1670. Prince Rupert, a cousin of the king, was the most prominent shareholder of the Hudson's Bay Company. The land granted to the Hudson's Bay Company by the Charter came to be called Rupert's Land. The land included in the grant was the entire drainage area of present day Hudson Bay (including James Bay). This was roughly two-thirds of modern day Canada, plus large portions of the States of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. Around 1870, the Hudson's Bay Company transferred its rights in the land to Canada, and Britain transferred the territory to Canada, thus bringing Rupert's Land to an end. Today, the Hudson's Bay Company continues as the world's oldest commercial corporation.

What powers made up the Allies in World War 1?

The Alled Powers of World War I were called "The Entente" they were: Belgium Montenegro Serbia France Russia Britian (including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa) Italy Japan Portugal Romania Greece United States ( plus there were 22 other countries that declared war on the Central Powers but had little or no miltary particicipation in the war)

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Il est difficile de dire quelle est la plus belle ville du monde car la beauté est subjective. Certaines personnes pourraient trouver des villes comme Paris, Kyoto, ou Rio de Janeiro magnifiques, tandis que d'autres pourraient préférer des villes comme New York, Sydney, ou Barcelone. Chaque ville a son propre charme et sa propre beauté unique.

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La plus grande île des Antilles est Cuba. Elle est située dans la mer des Caraïbes et a une superficie d'environ 110 000 kilomètres carrés. Cuba est également le pays le plus peuplé des Antilles.

How do you spell 'largest city' in French?

The largest city is "la plus grande ville" in French.

Quelle est la superficie du Canada en km?

Le Canada est le deuxième plus grand pays au monde. La Russie est le seul pays ayant une superficie plus grande, soit 17 075 000 kilomètres carrés. Le Canada a 9 984 670,9.093.507 km carré de terre et 891.163 km carré d'eaux doux.

Quelles sont les plus grandes villes à londres?

Londres est déjà une grande ville - il n'y en a pas d'autres.

Quelle est l'ile la plus grande de France?

What is the largest Island in France? Quelle est l'ile la plus grande de la France? Officiellement on pourrait dire la Corse, mais il y a un certain nombre de Corses qui voudraient que leur ile soit indépendente. Mais on pourrait aussi parler de l'Ile de la Réunion dans l'Océan Indien qui est également française.

How do you say big-bigger-biggest in french?

masc. : grand, plus grand, le plus grand ; fem. : grande, plus grande, la plus grande.

Quelle est la montagne la plus haute?

Le mont Everest, situé dans la chaîne de l'Himalaya, est la montagne la plus haute du monde, avec une altitude de 8 848 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer.

Are you taller in French?

"Es-tu plus grand / grande, est-ce que tu es plus grand / plus grande"

What does est plus grande que mean in french?

est plus grande que ... means 'is larger / bigger than ...'

Quelle est la boisson la plus chère?

It means "What beverage is the most expensive?"

Quelle est la plus belle langue?

La beauté d'une langue est subjective et dépend des goûts de chacun. Chaque langue a ses propres particularités et charmes qui la rendent unique et intéressante à apprendre. Il est préférable d'apprécier la diversité linguistique et de valoriser chaque langue pour sa richesse culturelle.