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Q: The Mustang is originally descended from horses brought to North America from which country?
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What does mustang name mean when it's a horse?

I don't exactly undersatnd what you're asking, but a Mustang is a type of wild horse found in America and are descended from the horses that the Spanish brought to the Americas.

What does the horse breed mustang mean?

Mustangs are wild horses, descended from those originally brought to the Americas by the Spanish. They tend to roam plains in the West; Nevada, in particular, is known for its mustangs.

What does it mean when it mean Name a?

I don't exactly undersatnd what you're asking, but a Mustang is a type of wild horse found in America and are descended from the horses that the Spanish brought to the Americas.

What is origin of sombrero and mustang?

The horse Mustang is also known as a wild horse and is brought to America by the Spanish

what is the origin of the sombrero and mustang?

The horse Mustang is also known as a wild horse and is brought to America by the Spanish

What is the origin of sombrero and mustang?

The horse Mustang is also known as a wild horse and is brought to America by the Spanish

What is the oringinal purpose the mustang horse was bred for?

Mustangs are a feral horse originally descended from escaped horses brought over by the Spaniards. The Spanish or Iberian horses were bred as riding/war horses. The mustang was further modified in many regions by the introduction of "improvement" stallions (Thoroughbreds primarily) so that they could be used as remounts for the US cavalry.

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They were actually brought here on a ship!

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In 1519 first sheep was brought to America by Spanish troops under Cortez. It is thought that the flocks of sheep belonging to the Native American Navajos are descended from multi-colored sheep brought to North America by the Spanish.

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Yes, the starlings of North America are all descended from a single pair brought from England in the mid-1800.

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He originally was from Skull Island before being brought to America.

How do you tell if a horse is a mustang?

They have very hard hooves. Has an instinct for herds.Has high endurance an is tough. The size is 13.3 to15 hands. Mustangs are free-roaming, untamed horses descended from domesticated horses brought to America during the exploration of the new world by Europeans. Also known as feral horses.