Colonization and conquest by Spanish conquistadors during the Age of Exploration.
Almost complete obliteration of the indigenous people born in the Americas.
Simon Bolivar led Latin America to its independence. He's considered the liberator of Latin America. He urged independence to the rest of the Latin American countries, and was successful in doing so.
Spain had the greatest impact on Latin America.
The peninsulares would have opposed revolutions in Latin America.
8.6% of the world population (some 646 out of 7500 million) is from Latin America (2017).
Age of Exploration
Age of Exploration
The encomienda system in Latin America led to the exploitation and mistreatment of Indigenous people by Spanish colonizers, resulting in forced labor, disease, and high mortality rates among Indigenous populations. This system contributed to the decline of Indigenous societies in the region.
use of forced labor
exploited indigenous people
it is encomienda
The encomienda system in Latin America was designed to grant Spanish settlers land and indigenous labor in exchange for their commitment to convert the indigenous population to Christianity and to protect them. It served as a way for the Spanish crown to control and exploit the resources and labor of the native population in the New World.
In colonial Latin America, the encomienda system granted conquistadors land and Native American labor for their services to the Spanish crown.
The encomienda system in colonial Latin America consisted of three main social classes: the Spanish conquistadors and settlers who held power and controlled land, the indigenous peoples who were forced to work the land and provide labor, and the mixed-race population known as the mestizos who often served as intermediaries between the Spanish and indigenous populations.
The result of President Taft's dollar diplomacy was that American investments in Latin America increased.
European nations practiced a mercantilistic system in latin America
The encomienda system in colonial Latin America was marked by numerous problems. Indigenous people were often subjected to forced labor, abuse, and exploitation by encomenderos. Many suffered from disease, death, and displacement due to the harsh working conditions. Additionally, the system contributed to the depopulation and decline of indigenous communities.